Sunday, August 3, 2014

Amnesia and Armor Skew: Menoth vs. Skorne.

Once again, I have a limitless capacity to remember to take pictures, so I won't have all of them again, but I still have a few. This is against the same person just getting into the game with a fantastic record for kicking my ass. I lost one of the games before this one because of a bad roll not finishing off his bastions. This one however, ended pretty interestingly to say the least.

15 points: Menoth vs. Skorne
Max Bastions

15 points of Skorne:
Cyclops Savage
Min. Nihilators
Feralgeist (proxied by sole Swamp Gobber.)


He sets his Bastions in the middle, His Crusader by the forest, Revenger to my right, and Kreoss by the Wall.

I set my Nihilators in the middle, Bronzeback on the right-ish, and Cyclops on the left-ish. The Bronzeback is my Arc Node. In hindsight, since the Cyclops has better range he would have made a good Arc Node in comparison to the Bronzeback. I thought I'd tie up the Crusader with my Savage, but that was ridiculous and I should have known better.

We'll see what happens as the game goes on.

Turn 1:

Everything runs forward on both sides.

He runs his stuff off to the side  He set it up so that the Crusader can easily get rid of one of my Light Beasts as the game goes on. I can see that he is trying to lock me in with a sort of pincer formation coupled with the armor skew forcing me to choose targets poorly. pKreoss is a good caster with simple strategies, making this kind of a tough match-up for me, but I have a good suite of useful spells.
Fortunately, he never uses Purification in any of the games we've played so far.
I toss the Nihilators forward as far up the board as possible. The  precise positioning still gets to me looking back at the pictures. What I should have done is spread them out a little more towward the right, and space them so any AoEs aren't an issue. However, I left them like the picture, thinking one could deal with the Crusader as a roadbump or something. The Bronzeback runs 8", and the Savage Runs 12".

I should have moved the Savage closer to the right to help out the Nihilators. Then I could have set the Bronzeback near the back of the forest letting his mobility tricks take care of the lack of Pathfinder.

 I Arc Ashen Veil onto them, and toss Arcane Reckoning up on my caster sitting comfortably in the back.

Turn 2:
He walks up his Crusader, positioning it outside the forest, and he spreads out his Bastions as best he can.The Revenger walks up toward the wall, and arcs a Cleansing Fire onto my Veiled Nihilators, deviating over, and killing a guy on Blast damage.
My Nihilators Run and Charge around looking to engage some things, block some lanes, stab some guys, and so on. I have 3 of my Nihilators gang up on one that they could charge toward, taking him out despite not getting much in the way of charge
The Bronzeback runs forward, looking to get rid of the Arc Node in a turn or two.

This is where I run out of Photos, and my memory runs thin. As the game goes down, the game slowly grinds down to a few key pieces.
He pops feat to make sure my Nihilators don't get much work, but as time goes on I manage to whittle down his Bastions.
I have issues with the Repulsor Shield as time goes on, delivering my Bronzeback to that right side of the table to get rid of my fears of spell assassination. The way that it went is that he pushed me back an inch, I push him into the wall, and then advance back an inch, so I stay in melee range.
With the Bronzeback I forgot Hyper Aggressive a lot, but it's a damned good ability.
At the end though, we had it in a Cold War where Kreoss was screened by his Heavy with both in the woods, and I was behind a wall with only my Bronzeback.
Since it would be a long, grinding, series of turns we declared me the victor and shook hands at this point. What I'd have done is arced Hellfire onto his Heavy, and since his charge threat is still ridiculously reduced I'd be able to have my Bronzeback walk forward an inch, and then initiate a charge, eat his heavy alive and then try to arc hellfire onto his caster, stupid though that may be. Then, either he tries to kite around my heavy for a turn, while trying to toss fire on my caster.

As said before, total nightmare, but it got me a win!

It also taught me the value of scenario to prevent nonsense like that.

this also shows that I really do hate armor skew, and that I really hate Bastions.
I feel to combat elite infantry is to start trying to invest in my own. I love Nihilators. They have Tough, Reach, good Speed, and drown stuff in bodies, and can toss around some damage. However, they aren't as good at dealing with Bastions as I'd like. While they become nigh invincible with Ashen Veil, except against sprays, they don't do enough damage tor really deal with Bastions under D-Ward. Especially due to the lack of Knock Down tech that I have at this point in the list. I might invest in a Task Master and Gators, or Cetrati, or both! I feel that it is a good way to deal with this Armor skew that can shift damage by dealing a lot of damage everywhere, and risking my Heavies to do that isn't a good idea.

This round though, I just need to put better work out of my beasts and remember my basic lessons of not spreading out so far. If I hadn't charged in with my Savage, his Crusader wouldn't be horribly useful as it would only kill one or two Nihilators rather than a whole beast.

This match showed that I have a lot of issues with piece prioritization, and don't focus on the important pieces at times, and try to scatter out and cause mass damage, rather than focused strikes. If I keep the important pieces near the Forest, I wouldn't have had to worry about the Crusader. I would then have probably killed the Bastions sooner. Then I would also have more Nihilators. Then I would still have gotten rid of his light jack, and secured half of the board, and been able to whittle down his Crusader without as many lost pieces.

As a whole, I need to take the lessons I give to heart, and focus on the biggest pieces on the table, which so far tend to be Heavy Infantry. The Meat Mountain is in full swing at my tables, so I have to build up to represent that.

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