Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cetratii and eHexeris at 35 points: Thoughts

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posting lately. I just got back to school and I've been trying to find time to post up my last battle report, which I think will be pretty exciting.

I had a thought today after running a vassal game last night and finally beating a newer players Armor Skew of Menoth. It concerns Cataphract Cetratii. We Love 'em. We love their reach, and their 20 ARM in Shield Wall. We love how they operate, and how they can kill on contact. We also Love eHexeris. Mostly. Kind of. He has good spells, some jack of all trades-y spells and can mow through Infantry heavy lists which is nice for us, as tarpits are never fun to deal with.

However, maybe I just need to learn how to play Cetratii better, but I have a feeling that eHexeris really doesn't get much use out of these Reach Weapon Masters without the Tyrant Commander + Flag waver.

His spells don't really help them out to be honest. Ashen Veil makes them Def 14 vs. Living models. Only living models. Any gun line worth their salt is going to have SOMETHING to deal with Concealment anyhow. Black Spot can help them deal more damage, but Cetratii want to be more defensive.

This is the big problem. We have no way to boost their speed without paying for a 3 point speed booster. So, if you want them to move up the field at a decent pace, we need them to be able to Run/Charge. If we want them to be really survivable we need Shield wall so under eHexy they are walking 5". You are then paying 14 points for a unit that moves 7" at ARM 20. Maybe it's because I'm playing 35 points mostly right now, but that's about half a list donated to this one trick. If the TyComm gets killed, the unit slows to a relative crawl.

I am not decrying Cetratii only their place with a caster that focuses on more abstract buffs rather than Xerxis1 or pMakeda. These two casters, from observation purely, look like they can do beautiful things to Cetratii that eHexeris can't do until he gets to bigger points costs.

When I'm running eHexeris I'd rather screen with Nihilators, and toss in one or two support pieces and a bunch of big beasts so he can work his fury stat to the max. eHexeris is no beast caster, but with that much FURY he needs to have at least 3 beasts with him.

So, until I get enough points to run 50 points of eHexeris, I probably won't be setting down the very expensive Cetratii, except to just learn more how to use Cetratii in their own right.

If you have any thoughts on how to use Cetratii well, or fun tricks feel free to post it in the comments.
If any other new Skorne players have thoughts on the subject, and their stories about using Cetratii put it down there too.

I'll hopefully be updating more frequently now that I'm starting to get into the scholastic rhythm.
As always, Hell Hath no Fury, like a player Skorned.

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