Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's Strictly Business: Skorne vs. Mercenaries.

Unfortunately, this game doesn't have any pictures because my phone died.
This match has pushed me to start playing eHexeris instead of pMorghoul.
It was a 15 point game, and I was eager to go up against Mercenaries, as it's hard to find full on Mercenaries players.

Mercenaries (15)
Ashlynn D'Elyse
 - Nomad

Tactical Arcanist Core
Dannon & Blythe
Aiyanna and Holt

Viktor Pendrake
Reinhold Gobber Speculator

Skorne (15)
  - Titan Gladiator
  - Cyclops Savage
  - Basilisk Krea

Swamp Gobbers

He won the roll to go to first, and he scattered everything pretty far around since it was mostly solos and small units. He had Dannon and Blythe prey the Savage.
I bricked up like I typically do, using the Krea and the Savage as a screen for the Gladiator.
Morghoul sat to the right of the Gladiator.

He puts Admonition onto Ashlynn, and tosses Quicken onto the Nomad.
The Tacticals walk forward getting no meaningful scatters out of their Firebombs
D&B get in position, along with Viktor Pendrake. Reinholdt stays in the back. The Nomad walks to the side.

Given that he has more board control, higher armor on an equal defense caster to my own, more focus, and a better spell suite, I was scrambling to figure things out, so I just continued to brick up, trying to not get alpha struck to any capacity. I let the Gobbers run up the side and pop smoke to block LOS to anything from the two arcanists, and I brick up and walk forward.

This being my first time dealing with Prey, I didn't realize to try to get the Savage to a safer place, maybe to the left instead of the right, and have him try to pick off the arcanist core.  The Krea was to the left of the Savage.

During his turn, D&B massacred my Savage thanks to stacking damage buffs and made the Krea their next target, which was quickly killed due to attack multitudes from Bull on his Backswing. The Arcanists failed a lot of to hit rolls, as did Viktor with his Bola. Some of the Arcanists/Aiyanna and Holt started wailing on, and missed, a gobber. The Nomad, having no good charge targets, just ran off to kill a Gobber.

Next turn, I have the Titan Gladiator slam into an arcanist and try to knock down Ashlynn, but she had upkept Admonition and ran 3 inches away, and I kill myself an Arcanist. I have Morghoul pop feat and avoid D&B.

Viktor and Ashlynn do their best to kill the Gladiator but he is operating well, and Viktor misses with his Bolas again, Ashlynn pops feat, leaving my Gladiator with a lot less boxes, and making all my attempts fruitless during my turn to wail on him with my Abused Gladiator, as he ripostes my Gladiator to death.

I had Morghoul put Admonition on himself, being unable to reach Ashlynn to start trying to kill her I move him close to the center of the board and pop feat to keep from doing anything useful.

Viktor missed with the Bolas AGAIN, and I ended up being cock blocked for my next turn by Reinholdt who runs straight across the field base to base with Morghoul. I choose not to Admonition out of the way for fear of certain doom.

At that point I get killed mercilessly by Ashlynn who walks up and murdernates him thoroughly.

I pretty much went up against a better version of Morghoul that night. Better by leagues. I was sufficiently done with Morghoul at that point, having a pretty big W/L record with him at this point of  2 - 13.

Maybe it's the low points cost making his utility less apparent, but at the same time, I need to practice with someone more generally useful to get some more experience with winning strategies. Morghoul can't interact with opponents at all, and his low control area and squishyness makes him hard to use if you can't pinball out on low hit box infantry.

For a long, long time now, I'll be setting down pMorghoul until I get deeper into Skorne in terms of available points to play with.

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